Now that you know where to find the coupons. Let’s get them organized! Most of use have started out using a shoe box.

While a good place to keep them all together , it can be a pain to root through them all to find what we are looking for.Consider this:

Using a binder:(binder insert pages in various sizes)

1.I have found the easiest way for me  is to use a binder. These can be inexpensive and easy to use . You can find them already with the pages to fit your coupons in ,or you can buy your own at a sports card store,Walmart and amazon too.

(It’s a good idea to buy pages with different sizes to easily fit all your coupons)

2.Label your pages, you can use stick ones like the ones shown below or my favorite self-stick tabs which can be found at any office supply store or big box retailer or use  divider pages.

3.Now that you have you binder fill it up with your coupons,! It is a good idea to  bring along a copy of the stores you are using coupon policies.( Become familiar with the policies , a good idea just in case an issue arises )You can put these on the inside of the binder many  will have a slot on the inside of the cover. You can find Store Coupon Polices HERE. If your store is not listed, please let us know we will see if we can find it for you!

4.When labeling you pages, you may want to make  a page for :HOT: coupons ,ones that will be expiring soon.

5.You will want to label you tabs according to the items you shop for (Cereal,Baby Items,Pet foods etc..)65.Another good idea ,if you are familiar with your grocers isles, you can label you binder according to you grocers isles for easier shopping.

6.If you are using a sales flyer to make your shopping list,take the coupons you matched up to the sales and put in an envelope in the front of your binder. This will save you time at the store.

7.Once a week you should set a little time aside to go thru your binder and check for expired and soon to be expired coupons ,and plan accordingly for your next shopping trip.

If you prefer not to make you own or what to upgrade you can use ,what is my favorite THE COUPONIZER I love this ,Really easy and fast to use.! you can click HERE to see a past review I have done on it ,If you like you can come back here and click banner to order your own!>>>>>

This will save you a great deal of time and money! easy to use .you will find a good system that works for you!


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About reGina Malloy

Ezeebuxs launched May,2011
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