It’s that time again,time to make those New Years resolutions .Time and time we make the same ones yet fail to keep them.I think we put too much pressure on ourselves when it comes to setting goals ,we tend to try to go all in to fast.
Here are some ideas that should be easy to do and keep
1.With life being so busy we tend to neglect ourselves.always taking care of everyone else.But we need the “me” time.Resolve to give yourself some attention every day whether it be just a few minutes alone with a cup of coffee or starting a good book or enjoying a day at the spa .
2.Saving money/extra money .We all want to save money ,easier said then done.What i do is earn extra money through surveys and can find some surveys here to try ,It takes only a few minutes a day and before you know it ,it adds up quick ,My goal was to start first of the year and not cash out untill next Christmas ,hmm will see if i can do it 🙂
3.Try something new ,a new nail or hair color or take a class on something you are interested in.
4.Donate more.we all have stuff sitting around we do not use,So why not donate to someone in need.
5. Volunteer at a pet shelter
6.Try a new recipe something you wouldn’t usually try
7.Start your day off with a message to yourself in the mirror about how you are going to make your day great!
What are your plans for the new year? I would love to hear them .share in the comments
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